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Upcoming Gardens

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This garden’s owner has created a very personal outlook over the past eight years. A limited budget, and limited space, combined with a bad back, often saw her working in the cool of the evening to create her tranquil haven overlooking a serene lake. She discovered recycling and made many garden items from bits she was given, found or discovered at the tip shop. Thanks to the internet she learnt how to build, fix, repair and create. Today her garden is home to an inspired collection of plants, stands and containers – and there’ll always be room for more!

Wildcare will be there serving up sausages and cold drinks.

Garden Notes and Audio
Garden notes are written by the garden owner and tell a story of their garden.  Garden notes will also be available at the Gardens on the entry table.

All_My_Own_Work_Notes_Long Version

Listen as you walk around the garden owner, Linda, talk to Joel Spry on the Saturday Morning Talkback Gardener on ABC Darwin 105.7